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Other Excellent Online Help

If you are looking for help with Chemistry, I am happy to recommend Dr Ezi Williams, a friend from a previous school and an outstanding tutor. Please visit to find out more.

Dr Sophie Breese is another contact from a previous school and an excellent tutor that I recommend for anyone looking for English tutoring and English enrichment. Her website is

I am also happy to recommend my friend and colleague Lucinda Powell, who runs an educational psychology consultancy that parents may find useful: She also has an interesting podcast!

For music teachers, I am happy to recommend the Let's Get Musical! This is a complete course of engaging, practical music lessons for secondary school (ages 11-18), including performing, composing and listening activities. Individual pupil workbooks are available for Years 7, 8 and 9, and a complete workbook for GCSE Music (Years 10-11). In addition, there are textbooks for A Level Music (Years 12-13) and a Teacher's Guide for Years 7-9. All of these books are available directly from via the link above (both as hard copies and as e-books), along with quizzes and audio/video links.

Dr Robert Henderson is doing some really interesting work in teaching computer programming and games software development. You can find out more about his work at


For general support for upper primary students, please check out run by an experienced prep school teacher.  

Researching and Writing
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